
SCOTUS Gun Watch, Episode 2

  • Date:
  • October 28, 2019

Although the Supreme Court issued no new orders this week, there's been some movement in the cases pending before the Court. Below isthe updated graph with the now-current status of the high court's gun docket.

Special shout-out to Mance v. Barr, which is the oldest still-pending cert petition yet to be acted on. It was originally filed almost a year ago and is mostly likely be held pending New York State Rifle & Pistol, set to be argued on December 2. The district court decision in Mance was issued on February 11, 2015. (Fun fact, the district court judge whose decision the Fifth Circuit reversed in Mance is the same district court judge whose decision invalidating the entire Affordable Care Act is currently before the Fifth Circuit.)

Case Ct. Below Pet. Filed Implicated Law/Issue Status
Mance v. Barr  5th Cir. 19-Nov-18 Federal ban on out-of-state handgun purchases distributed

12-Apr-19 conf.

Rogers v. Grewal  3rd Cir. 20-Dec-18 NJ “may issue” public carry regime distributed

23-May-19 conf.

Pena v. Horan  9th Cir. 28-Dec-18 California’s Unsafe Handgun Act (microstamping, etc.) distributed

12-Apr-19 conf.

Gould v. Lipson  1st Cir. 1-Apr-19 MA “may issue” public carry regime (as implemented locally) distributed

6-June-19 conf.

Cheeseman v. Polillo N.J. 28-June-19 NJ “may issue” public carry regime distributed

18-Oct-19 conf.

Ciolek v. New Jersey N.J. 18-July-19 NJ “may issue” public carry regime distributed

1-Oct-19 conf.

Daniel v. Armslist Wisc. 29-July-19 Scope of immunity for gun-broker website under Communications Decency Act reply due @ 1-Nov-2019
Remington Arms v. Soto Conn. 1-Aug-19 Scope of  gunmaker immunity under the Protection for Lawful Commerce in Arms Act distributed for

8-Nov-19 conf.

Guedes v. ATF D.C. Cir. 29-Aug-19 Ban on bump stocks resp. due 4-Nov-2019
Medina v. Barr D.C. Cir. 30-Aug-19 Ban on felon possession under 922(g)(1) (as applied) resp. due 4-Nov-2019
Worman v. Healey 1st Cir. 23-Sep-19 Ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines resp. due 9-Dec-19
Malpasso v. Hamilton 4th Cir. 26-Sep-19 MD “may issue” public carry regime resp. requested - due 18-Nov-19
Culp v. Raoul 7th Cir. 10-Oct-19 IL refusal to grant carry permits to most non-residents resp. due 14-Nov-19