
SCOTUS Gun Watch – Week of 6/1/20

  • Date:
  • June 01, 2020

The Supreme Court again declined to act today on any of the petitions it considered at its conference last week. The 10 pending cases below are now going back to conference—their 5th one since the Court decided NYSRPA a little over a month ago. Although there is likely some bottleneck on these particular cases, perhaps that both wings of the Court are hesitant because they are uncertain how the Chief Justice might ultimately vote, there are other reasons we might be seeing delay. For one thing, the Court had to transition to virtual arguments and conferences as a result of Covid, and it would not be surprising if everything going on in the world has made most things take longer. After all, the Court did not grant any petitions today; it may just be waiting to fill out its calendar for next term once it has a better idea what next year might look like. We'll likely hear nothing on these cases until orders are released next Monday at 9:30am.

Case Ct. Below Pet. Filed Implicated Law/Issue Status
Mance v. Barr  5th Cir. 19-Nov-18 Federal ban on out-of-state handgun purchases distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Rogers v. Grewal  3rd Cir. 20-Dec-18 NJ “may issue” public carry regime distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Pena v. Horan  9th Cir. 28-Dec-18 California’s Unsafe Handgun Act (microstamping, etc.) distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Gould v. Lipson  1st Cir. 1-Apr-19 MA “may issue” public carry regime (as implemented locally) distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Cheeseman v. Polillo N.J. 28-June-19 NJ “may issue” public carry regime distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Ciolek v. New Jersey N.J. 18-July-19 NJ “may issue” public carry regime distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Daniel v. Armslist Wisc. 29-July-19 Scope of immunity for gun-broker website under Communications Decency Act Cert Denied
Remington Arms v. Soto Conn. 1-Aug-19 Scope of  gunmaker immunity under the Protection for Lawful Commerce in Arms Act Cert Denied
Guedes v. ATF D.C. Cir. 29-Aug-19 Ban on bump stocks Cert Denied
Medina v. Barr D.C. Cir. 30-Aug-19 Ban on felon possession under 922(g)(1) (as applied) Cert Denied
Worman v. Healey 1st Cir. 23-Sep-19 Ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Malpasso v. Pallozzi 4th Cir. 26-Sep-19 MD “may issue” public carry regime distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Pennsylvania v. Hicks Penn. 27-Sep-19 How a firearm can factor into reasonable suspicion under the Fourth Amendment Cert Denied
Culp v. Raoul 7th Cir. 10-Oct-19 IL refusal to grant carry permits to most non-residents distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Matsura v. United States 9th Cir. 25-Oct-19 Unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited person Cert Granted; vacated and remanded
Baker v. City of Trenton, MI 6th Cir. 26-Nov-19 Reasonableness of warrantless search in light of the Second Amendment Cert Denied
Wilson v. Cook County, IL 7th Circ. 27-Nov-19 Assault weapons and high-capacity magazine ban distributed for

4-Jun-20 conf.

Beers v. Barr 3rd Cir. 9-Jan-20 Unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited person (involuntarily committed) Cert Granted; vacated and remanded
Rodriguez v. San Jose 9th Cir. 21-Feb-20 Warrantless search and seizure of firearms under Second & Fourth Amendments resp. requested –due 22-June-20