1904 Md. Laws 772, An Act to Add an Additional Section to Article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws of the STate of Maryalnd, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title "Distrubance of Public Peace," to be known as Section 67A, ch. 447,§ 67A.

  • Year:
  • 1904

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, body politic or corporate, or other form or association, to practice shooting at any mark, board, sign, tree, bank, or other object with any gun, rifle, cannon, mortar, pistol or other firearm within the limits of this State, whether on land or water, for military drill, amusement or skill, without first obtaining in writing the consent to so use any such firearms of all freeholders, tenants or occupants of real estate residing within the carrying capacity of such firearm, and secondly, without first obtaining leave of the Commissioners of the county within which said shooting is proposed to be carried on, and the petition to said County Commissioners for such leave shall be accompanied with the written consent of each and every of such freeholder, tenant, . . . and the Board of County Commissioners aforesaid shall in no case grant such leave to practice with firearms if in their opinion the use of the public highways or streets of any real estate sub-division be endangered by the use of such firearms . . .