A Law for the Better Preventing of Fire, no. 4, § 6, N.Y., LAWS, STATUTES, ORDINANCES AND CONST. ETC. (1763 John Holt).

    VI. AND be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Children, Youth, Apprentices, Servants, or other Persons, do fire and discharge any Gun, Pistol, Leaden-Gun, Rockets, Crackers, Squibs, or other Fire-Works, at any Mark, or at Random, against any Fence, Pales, or other Place in any Street, Lane or Alley, or within any Orchard, Garden or other Inclosure, or in any Place where Persons frequent to walk; such Person so offending, shall forfeit for every such Offence, the Sum of Forty Shillings, current Money of New-York; and on Refusal to pay the same; shall be committed to the House of Correction, at the Discretion of the Mayor, Recorder, or Aldermen, or any one of them before whom such Offender shall be convicted, there to remain committed, not exceeding Twenty Days; unless such Forfeiture as aforesaid, be sooner paid, with the lawful Fees of Commitment; one Half thereof to the Informer, with Costs, and the other Half to the Church Wardens of this City, for the Use of the Poor thereof.

Full Text: 1763, NY, Laws, Statutes, etc., no. 4—A Law for the Better Preventing of Fire, § 6

Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Constitutions, Ordained, Made and Established, by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, of the City of New York, Convened in Common-Council, for the Good Rule and Government of the Inhabitants and Residents of the Said City: Published the Ninth Day of November, in the Third Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord, George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoque Domini 1762. And in the Mayoralty of John Cruger, Efq; To which is Added, an Appendix, Containing Extracts of Sundry Acts of the General Assembly, of the Colony of New-York, Immediately Relating to the Good Government of the Said City and Corporation (New York, NY: John Holt, 1763), 11. Number 4—A Law for the Better Preventing of Fire, § 6—No Guns or Squibs to be Fired in the Streets. Passed November 9, 1763.