An Act Concerning the Enrollment and Organization of the Militia of the State, prescribing the District and Number and Rank of the Officers thereof, and Defining the Duties of Such Officers, Article VIII, §23 Unlawful Armed Assemblage (8 Feb. 1879).

  • Year:
  • 1879

"Sec. 23. It shall not be lawful for any body of men whatsoever, other than the regularly organized national guard or militia, or the troops of the United States, to associate themselves together as a military company or organization, or to parade in public with arms, in any city or town in the state, without the license of the governor therefor, which may at any time be revoked, nor shall it be lawful for any city or town to raise or appropriate any money towards arming, equipping, uniforming, or in any way supporting or sustaining, or providing drill rooms or armories for any such bodies of men."

1879, CO, An Act Concerning the Enrollment and Organization of the Militia of the State

Laws Passed at the Second Session of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, Convened at Denver, on the First Day of January, A, D. 1879 (Denver, CO: Daily Times Printing House and Book Manufactory, 1879), 138-139. Article VIII, § 23 Unlawful Armed Assemblage.