An Act for Regulating and Ordering the Troops that Are, or May Be Raised, for the Defence of this Colony, art. 19, 1775 Conn. Acts (Timothy Green 1775).

  • Year:
  • 1775

"That whatsoever Commissioned Officer shall be found drunk on his Guard, Party, or other Duty under Arms, shall be cashiered for it: Any Non-Commissioned Officer or Soldier, so offending, shall suffer such Punishment as shall be ordered by the Sentence of a Regimental Court-Martial."

1775, CT, Act for Regulating and Ordering the Troops that are, or May be Raised, Art. 19

Connecticut, At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut, in New-England in America, Holden at Hartford, in Said Colony, on the Second Thursday of May, in the 15th Year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, King of Great-Britain, &C. A.D. 1775. An Act for Regulating and Ordering the Troops That Are, or May Be Raised, for the Defence of This Colony (New London, CT: Timothy Green printer to the governor and Company, 1775), 11. Article 19.