An Act for Regulating the Militia of the Province of Maryland (MD General Assembly, Lower House, L.H.J. Liber No. 48, Assembly Proceedings, May 22, 1756).
"And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that any Person of the Militia who shall get drunk on any Muster-day before or at Muster shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Shillings Current Money and any Person who shall presume to vend Sell or Dispose of any Strong Liquor at any Place of training or at any other Place within Five Miles of any Place of training to any Person belonging to the Militia on any Muster day except between the Time of Discharge from such Training for that day and the Sun sitting thereof Such Person so vending selling or disposing of Such Strong Liquors Shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money And no Person other than a licenced Ordinary Keeper shall vend Sell or dispose of any Strong Liquors to any Person whatever at such Time and Place aforesaid even between the Hours aforesaid under the Penalty of Five Pounds Current Money for every Such Offence and it Shall and may be lawfull for the Commanding Officer of the Party at such Muster and he is hereby directed and required to order the Strong Liquors of the Person so offending to be Siezed and Destroyed Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to any Merchant or licenced Ordinary-Keeper who shall vend Sell or Dispose of any Strong Liquors in his or her House the same not being to any Person of the Militia or any for the Use of Such Person[.]"
The Selective Service System, Backgrounds of Selective Service: Military Obligation. The American Tradition a Compilation of the Enactments of Compulsion from the Earliest Settlements of the Original Thirteen Colonies in 1607 through the Articles of Confederation 1789, Ed. Arthur Vollmer, vol. 2 pt. 5 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1947), 92-93.