An Act for the better secureing the Government by disarming Papists and reputed Papists, 1 W. & M. ch. 15 (1689).
"For the better secureing of the Government against Papists and reputed Papists bee it enacted by the King and Queens most excellent Majestyes by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parlyament assembled and by authoritie of the same That it shall and may be lawfull for any two or more Justices of the Peace who shall know or suspect any person to be a Papist or shall be informed that any person is or is suspected to be a Papist to tender and they are hereby authorized and required forthwith to tender to such person soe knowne or suspected to be a Papist the Declaration sett downe and expressed in an Act of Parlyament made in the thirtyeth yeare of the Raigne of the late King Charles the Second Intituled An Act for the more effectuall Preserveing the Kings Person and Government by disabling Papists from sitting in either House of Parlyament to be by him made repeated and subscribed And if such person soe required shall refuse to make repeate and subscribe the said Declaration or shall not make repeate and subscribe the said Declaration or shall refuse or forbeare to appeare before the said Justices for the makeing repeating and subscribeing the said Declaration upon notice to him given or left at his usuall place of abode by any person authorized in that behalfe by Warrant under the Hands and Seales of the said two Justices such person from thenceforth shall be taken to be and is hereby declared to be lyable and subject to all and every the Penalties Forfeitures and Disabilities hereafter in this Act mentioned... III And for the better secureing their Majestyes Persons and Government Bee it further enacted and declared That noe Papist or reputed Papist soe refuseing or makeing default as aforesaid shall or may have or keepe in his House or elsewhere or in the Possession of any other person to his use or at his disposition any Arms Weapons Gunpowder or Ammunition (other then such necessary Weapons as shall be allowed to him by Order of the Justices of the Peace at their Generall Quarter Sessions for the defence of his House or person)."