AN ACT relating to the arsenals and military stores of Montana Territory, Ch. LXII, in Laws, Memorials, and Resolutions of the Territory of Montana, passed at the Seventh Session of the Legislative Assembly, begun at Virginia City, Monday, December 4, 1871, and Concluded January 12, 1872, at 563.

  • Year:
  • 1872

"Sec 1. It shall be the duty of any keeper of the arsenal, military stores, ammunition, arms and ordnance belonging to this territory . . . to report to the governor in writing the amount of such military stores and ammunition, and a list and description of such arms and ordinance in his possession and within his knowledge . . . . Sec. 4. The governor is hereby authorized to collect at the capital all the arms and ammunition, ordnance, military stores and equipments, and place them in a suitable building in charge of a keeper, at a salary not to exceed two hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the governor to require of any person to whom such arms, ammunition, ordnance, military stores or equipments may be delivered, to execute a bond to the territory in the sum not to exceed the value thereof with such suretiies as may be approved by him, conditioned for the safe keeping of the same, and the return thereof on the demand of the governor, unless the same shall have been delivered to the county commissioners of any such county when the same shall be charged to such county at the value thereof to be returned when called for by the governor."