An Act to Incorporate the Trustees of Hickory Grove Methodist Church and Camp Ground in the County of Mecklenburg, ch. 103, § 6, 1885 N.C. Pvt. Laws 1009, 1010.

  • Year:
  • 1885

"The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:


SEC. 6. That it shall be a misdemeanor for any one to fire off a gun or pistol in the limits of the incorporation while occupied in worship; to sell, give away or buy any intoxicating liquors in the limits of the incorporation while occupied for worship, or wilfully to throw any rock or other missile of any kind against or upon any tent or upon the church or arbor in the limits of the incorporation while the same is being occupied for worship; or to make any loud noises under the arbor where divine worship is usually held, whether divine service is going on or not; or to upset any wagon, vehicle or tent, or destroy, injure or pull down the same in the limits of this incorporation; or to destroy any harness, saddle or bridle, or wilfully injure the same; or, to throw any rock or other missile in the arbor where divine service is usually held, or to wilfully injure or render impure any spring or well in the limits of the incorporation, whereby those who are occupying the grounds for worship are disturbed: Provided, the offences committed in this section be committed while the camp ground is occupied for worship; and for every such offence the offender shall upon conviction be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days."

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Laws and Resolutions of the State of North Carolina, Passed by the General Assembly at Its Session of 1885, Begun and Held in the City of Raleigh, on Wednesday, the Seventh Day of January, A. D. 1885: To Which Are Prefixed a Register of State Officers, Members of the General Assembly, Judiciary, a List of Commissioners of Affidavits, and State Constitution (Raleigh, NC: P. M. Hale, 1885), 382. Private Laws, Chapter 103—An Act to Incorporate the Trustees of Hickory Grove Methodist Church and Camp Ground in the County of Mecklenburg, § 6. Ratified March 11, 1885.