An Ordinance to Prevent the Firing of Guns, Fire-Arms, or Fire-Works, §§1-2. In Laws and Ordinances, of a General and Local Nature, for the Government of the City of Cleveland (1854).

  • Year:
  • 1854

"§1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, That it shall be unlawful for any person to fire or discharge and cannon, gun, pistol or fire-arms of any kind, within the city, unless it be on some occasion of military parade, and then by order of some officer having the command.
§2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to fire, set off, discharge, cast or throw, any squib, rocket, cracker, or other combustible fire-works, within the city."

1854, OH, An Ordinance to Prevent the Firing of Guns, Fire-Arms, or Fire-Works

Laws and Ordinances, of a General and Local Nature, for the Government of the City of Cleveland (Cleveland, OH: W. W. & E. Bruce, 1854), 12-13. An Ordinance to Prevent the Firing of Guns, Fire-Arms, or Fire-Works, §§1-2. Passed 14 June, 1854.