George R. Donnan, Annotated Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code of the State of New York as Amended 1882-5. Fourth Edition Page 298, Image 824 (1885) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.
An Act to Limit the Carrying and Sale of Pistols and other fire arms in the cities of this state. Chap. 375, § 1. No person under the age of eighteen years shall have, carry or have in his possession in any public street, highway or place in any of the cities of this state, any pistol or other firearms of any kind, and no person shall in such cities sell or give any pistol or other fire-arms to any person under such age. § 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and in all trials or examinations for said offense the appearance of the person so alleged or claimed to be under the age of eighteen years shall be evidence to the magistrate or jury as to the age of such person. § 3. Nothing herein contained shall apply to the regular and ordinary transportation of pistols or fire-arms as articles of merchandise in said cities, or to the carrying of a gun or rifle through a street or highway of any city, with the intent to use the same outside the said city; nor to any person under such age carrying an pistol or firearms under license given by the mayor of said cities; but no license so given shall be in force more than one year from its date; and all such licenses may be revoked at the pleasure of the mayor, and a full complete and public record shall be kept by the mayor of said cities of all such licenses and the terms and date thereof.