Gunpowder and Explosives, §§ 1-3, Article 18, The Code of the City of Annapolis (1897).
"Sec. 1. No person or persons, shall keep in any store, vault, cellar, building or buildings, within the limits of said city, without special permission from the City Council, a greater quantity of gunpowder at any one time than fifty pounds, (which shall be secured in tin canisters or wooden kegs,) nor a greater quantity of dynamite or any other explosive not named, than five pounds, (which shall be well secured in tin canisters,) nor any nitro-glycerine whatever, under a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each offense; and every day such violation of this ordinance may continue or be persisted in shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
Sec. 2. Any person or persons keeping gunpowder, dynamite or any other explosive not named herein, in any store, vault, cellar, building or buildings, said explosives kept for sale, shall have it kept, if gunpowder, in a tin canister or wooden keg, and if dynamite or other explosive, not named herein, in a tin canister, near one of the front doors, and a sign placed thereon denoting its contents. Any person or persons failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall forfeit ten dollars to the use of the said City of Annapolis, to be collected as small debts are, before a Justice of the Peace in the name of the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis.
Sec. 3. The Mayor or any Justice of the Peace is hereby authorized, as often as he shall be informed upon oath of probable cause to suspect any person or persons of concealing or keeping within the corporate limits of the said city of Annapolis, any quantity of gunpowder over the above fifty pounds, or any quantity of dynamite or other explosive not named herein over and above five pounds, or any quantity of nitro-glycerine, to issue a search warrant to examine into the truth of such allegation or suspicion, and search any place whatever therin."
1897, MD, The Code of the City of Annapolis, Article 18—Gunpowder and Explosives, §§ 1-3
The Code of the City of Annapolis, By the Counselor: Authorized by Order of the Corporation of the City of Annapolis, Passed October 11, 1897, and Adopted as the Laws of the City by an Ordinance Passed December 13, 1897—Also—the Charter of the City of Annapolis, the Standing Orders of the Corporation, and Certain Ordinances Not Part of the Code (Annapolis, MD: Evening Capital Print, 1897), 45-46. Article 18—Gunpowder and Explosives, §§ 1-3. (Undated).