Ordinance no. 1, §§ 6-8, THE MINING ECHO, Jul. 7, 1877 at 1 (Empire City, Kansas).
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Empire City.
SEC. 1 Any three or more persons, who shall assemble together, within the limits of this city, with the intent to do any unlawful act against the peace, and to the terror of the people, or to do any act against the peace, quiet, security, or repose of any person or persons, or being unlawfully assembled, shall agree with each other to do any such act; or being so unlawfully assembled, shall, without any agreement, by words, acts, or signs, make any preparations, or movements to do any unlawful act, as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars.
SEC. 2. Every person who shall disturb the peace or quiet of this city, or of any lawful assembly of persons within the limits of this city, or any neighborhood, by any indecent, obscene, tumultuous or offensive language, conversation or conduct, or by any device or misconduct whatever, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00
SEC. 3. Any person or persons who shall assault strike, fight or challenge any other person or persons within the limits of this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than $2.00 nor more than $50.00.
SEC. 4. Any person who shall be found drunk in any Street, Alley, Side-walk or public place of any kind, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than $1.00 nor more than $25.00.
SEC. 5. Any person who shall appear in any Street, Alley, Side-walk, or public place of any kind, or who shall appear publicly, in or from any place whatever, naked or in any indecent or lewd dress, or shall be guilty of any indecent behavior or lewd act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction hereof, be fined in a sum not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.
SEC. 6. Any person who shall carry any concealed pistol, dirk, or other deadly weapon, within the limits of thi- city, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than $10 nor more than $50.
SEC. 7. Any person who shall discharge any gun, pistol, or other firearms, within the limits of this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than $5.00 nor more than $20.
SEC. 8 Any person who shall, while exercising the right to carry firearms, not concealed, be intoxicated, or shall do any act or thing calculated to cause apprehension or alarm to any citizen within the limits of this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than $3.00 nor more than $20.00.
SEC. 9. Any person who shall destroy or injure any shade or ornamental tree, shrub or plant not his own, within the limits of this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00
SEC. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its publication. Approved July 2, A. D. 1877.
[Published July 3, 1877.]"
Full Text (From Newspapers.com): 1877, KS, Ordinance No. 1, The Mining Echo, Jul. 7, 1877 (Empire City, KS)
"Ordinance No. 1." The Mining Echo, July 7, 1877, p. 1. Volume 1, Number 10. Ordinance No. 1, §§ 6-8. Approved July 2, 1877; In Effect July 3, 1877. (Empire City, KS).