An Ordinance for Preventing Fires, art. 15, NEW ORLEANS, POLICE CODE (J. Renard 1808).

  • Year:
  • 1807

"AN ORDINANCE for preventing fires...
...The City Council ordains as follows:
Precautions to be used for the prevention of fires...

     ...Art. 15.—Captains of vessels are obliged, within twenty four hours from their arrival in this port, to deposit the gun-powder they may have on board, in the powder-magazine situate on the right bank of the river, the owner paying to the keeper of the magazine a suitable compensation. All citizens are strictly forbidden to keep in their houses, or elsewhere within the city or suburbs, more than one hundred pounds of gun-powder at a time, and in case of fire, such as live near the place where it is, if they have powder in their houses, shall be obliged to throw into their wells the barrels containing the same. These dispositions must be complied with, under the penalty of a fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, to be levied on every delinquent, who shall moreover be liable to the damage that may result."

1808, Police Code, or Collection of the Ordinances of Police Made by the City Council of New Orleans to Which Is Prefixed the Act for Incorporating Said City with the Acts Suplementary Thereto (New Orleans, LA: J. Renard, 1808), 100, 114-16. An Ordinance for Preventing Fires, Chapter 1— Precautions to Be Used for the Prevention of Fires, Article 15. Approved January 31, 1807.

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