Report of the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Springfield, Mass., Park Ordinances (1891).

The Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Springfield, by virtue of its authority to make Rules for the use and government of the Public Parks of said city, and for breaches of such rules to affix penalties, hereby ordains that within the Public Parks, except with prior consent of the Board, it is forbidden: . . .

3. To throw stones, balls, or other missiles; to discharge or carry firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes, or fireworks; to make fires; to play musical instruments; to have any intoxicating beverages; to sell, offer, or expose for sale any goods or wares; to post or display signs, placards, flags or advertising devices; to solicit subscriptions or contributions; to play games of chance, or to have possession of instruments of gambling; to make orations, harangues, or loud outcries; to enter into political canvassing of any kind; to utter profane, threatening, abusive, or indecent language, or to do any obscene or indecent act; to bathe or fish; to solicit the acquaintance of, or follow, or otherwise annoy other visitors.

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