
New AALS Section on Firearms Law

  • Date:
  • June 10, 2022

We're very excited to report a newly approved Section on Firearms Law through the American Association of Law Schools (AALS), which "has the dual responsibility of serving law schools and their deans as their institutional membership organization, and individual law school faculty and administrators as their learned society." The new  Section, launched just a few weeks ago, will host its first program at the AALS Annual Program in San Diego this coming January. We encourage any and all interested law school faculty and staff to join the Section and provide any feedback to Section officers and executive committee members about ideas for programs, panels, and other programming. 

The inaugural Section leadership is below:

Co-Chair Joseph Blocher, Duke University School of Law

Darrell A.H. Miller, Duke University School of Law

Chair-Elect Jake Charles, Duke University School of Law

Secretary George A. Mocsary, University of Wyoming College of Law

Executive Committee

Kami Chavis Simmons, Wake Forest University School of Law

Brannon P. Denning, Samford University, Cumberland School of Law

Nicholas J. Johnson, Fordham University School of Law

Jody Madeira, Indiana University Maurer School of Law