Conferences & Webinars
Since its inception in early 2019, the Center has held numerous conferences, symposia, webinars, workshops, colloquia, and other gatherings. Many of those events have generated articles published in law reviews, and others have led to essay collections that we have published on the Center’s blog, Second Thoughts. This page does not have every panel discussion the Center has hosted, but just the ones for which participants produced written products. Our Videos page has the recordings for all Center discussion panels and other events that were recorded, including those that did not produce writings.
Below are links to information about upcoming Center-sponsored events as well as the agendas, presentations, articles, and blog posts arising from recent events.
November 19, 2024 – Perspectives on American Gun Violence: Finding New Synergies for Problem-Solving from Public Health, Public Policy, Crime Control, Economics, Justice, Advocacy, Politics, and the Media
Virtual Webinar, 12:00 - 1:30 PM
October 25, 2024 – Symposium on Rahimi and the Future of Text, History, and Tradition
SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas, TX
Co-sponsored with the SMU Law Review
August 2, 2024 – Historian Roundtable Discussion
Duke University School of Law, Durham, NC
Co-sponsored with the Center for the Study of Guns and Society (CSGS) at Wesleyan University
May 23-24, 2024 – Sixth Annual Firearms Law Works-in-Progress Conference
Duke University School of Law, Durham, NC
Co-sponsored with the University of Wyoming College of Law Firearms Research Center
See our summary of the conference here
November 3, 2023 – Symposium: History, Tradition, and Analogical Reasoning (hosted with the Notre Dame Law Review)
Essays from Participants forthcoming. Videos by panel:
September 23, 2022 – Symposium: Gun Rights and Regulation after Bruen (hosted with the NYU Law Review)
Essays available here. Videos by panel:
Keynote discussion - Criminal Justice and Prosecutorial Discretion in the Wake of Bruen
Panel 2 - Bruen’s Methodology and Practical Consequences for Legislation and Criminal Law
Panel 3 - Sensitive Places and the Challenges of Applying Bruen in the Lower Courts
Panel 4 - After Bruen: Implications for Law Enforcement, Stare Decisis, and Supreme Court Legitimacy
June 24, 2022 – Firearms Law Works-in-Progress Workshop
Blog Posts from Participants
Dru Stevenson, The Original Version of the Second Amendment: Religiously Scrupulous of Bearing Arms
Peter Salib and Guha Krishnamurthi, Gun Rights (Still) Aren’t Trumps
E.J. Morera and K. Alexander Adams, Empirically Testing Waiting Period Restrictions to Challenge the Underlying Legal Paradigm
K. Alexander Adams, Are There Any Red Flags for ‘Red Flag Laws’?
Joshua Aiken, What the Panthers Meant By Self-Defense: Race, Violence, and Gun Control
March 25, 2022 – Symposium: Guns, Violence, and Democracy
Essays from Participants
Joseph Blocher & Reva B. Siegel, Race and Guns, Courts and Democracy
Aziz Huq, Caitlin Loftus & Robert Vargas, Governing Through Gun Crime: How Chicago Funded Police After the 2020 BLM Protests
Darrell A.H. Miller & Jacob D. Charles, Violence and Nondelegation
Bertrall L. Ross II, Inequality, Anti-Republicanism, and Our Unique Second Amendment
Eric Ruben, Public Carry and Criminal Law after Bruen
Leila Nadya Sadat, Torture in Our Schools?
Franita Tolson, Parchment Rights
Adam Winkler, Racist Gun Laws and the Second Amendment
March 18, 2022 – Conference: Privatizing the Gun Debate
Blog Posts from Participants
Ilya Somin, Property Rights, Gun Rights, and Takings
Lars Noah, Does the Threat of Tort Liability Unduly Burden the Right to Bear Arms?
Dru Stevenson, Guns and Banks: New Laws & Policies
Jonathan Lowy, The Road to The Sandy Hook Settlement
Heidi Li Feldman, Public Nuisance Liability and the Irrelevance of the Second Amendment
Jody Madeira, A New Call to Arms: Rewriting Second Amendment Threats
November 19, 2021 – Roundtable – Race and Guns in America
Essays from Participants
Daniel S. Harawa, The Racial Justice Gambit
Margareth Etienne, Disarming the Police: Blue Lives, Black Lives and Guns
Lindsay Livingston, From Self-Defense to Self-Deputization: Defensive Gun Use and the Performance of Reasonable Belief
Gregory S. Parks, When CRT Meets 2A
Angela R. Riley, Native Nations and The Right to Bear Arms in a Post McGirt World
Pratheepan Gulasekaram, “The People”, Citizenship, and Firearms
Patrick J. Charles, Some Thoughts on Addressing Racist History in the Second Amendment Context
Kami Chavis, The Dangerous Expansion of Stand-Your-Ground Laws and its Racial Implications
David E. Olson, Illegal Firearm Possession: A Reflection on Policies and Practices that May Miss the Mark and Exacerbate Racial Disparity in the Justice System
Brennan Gardner Rivas, The Problem with Assumptions: Reassessing the Historical Gun Policies of Arkansas and Tennessee
June 25, 2021: Colloquium: Corpus Linguistics and the Second Amendment
Blog Posts from Participants
Kevin Tobia, Dueling Dictionaries and Clashing Corpora
Anya Bernstein, More than Words
Stephen Mouritsen, Corpora and Historical Texts
William Baude, Heller Survives the Corpus
Dennis Baron, Corpus Linguistics, Public Meaning, and the Second Amendment
James Phillips, Some Thoughts on Methodology
Neal Goldfarb, Regarding the Strength of the Corpus Evidence (and Noting Issues the Evidence Doesn’t Resolve)
Kari Sullivan, The “Strange” Syntax of the Second Amendment
Gregory Wallace, Corpus Linguistics and the Meaning of “Bear Arms”
October 9, 2020 – Symposium: The Second Amendment’s Next Chapter
Panel Presentations
Panel 1: The Shape of the Right
Moderator: Kate Shaw
Panelists: Alice Ristroph, Renee Lettow Lerner, and Darrell Miller
Panel 2: The Power to Regulate
Moderator: Abbe Gluck
Panelists: Reva Siegel & Joseph Blocher, Nelson Lund, Brannon Denning, and Jake Charles
Keynote: A Discussion with U.S. Senator Chris Murphy About His New Book, “The Violence Inside Us”
Moderator: Joseph Blocher
Panelists: Mike Dorf, Robert Leider, and Dave Kopel
Moderator: Sanford Levinson
Panelists: Stephanie Kollmann, Zach Fardon, Kofi Ademola
Published Articles
Jacob D. Charles, Second Amendment Animus
Robert Leider, The State’s Monopoly of Force and the Right to Bear Arms
Nelson Lund, The Future of the Second Amendment in a Time of Lawless Violence
Michael C. Dorf, When Two Rights Make a Wrong: Armed Assembly Under the First and Second Amendments
Joseph Blocher and Reva B. Siegel, When Guns Threaten the Public Sphere: A New Account of Public Safety Under Heller
Alice Ristroph, The Second Amendment in a Carceral State
Darrell A. H. Miller, Second Amendment Equilibria
Renée Lettow Lerner, The Resilience of Substantive Rights and the False Hope of Procedural Rights: The Case of the Second Amendment and the Seventh Amendment
July 24, 2020 – Firearms Law Works-in-Progress Workshop
Blog Posts from Participants
Marla Spector Bowman, Restoring Voting and Gun Rights: A More Uniform and Purpose-Driven Approach
Shannon Brincat, Assassinating Sovereigns and American Foreign Policy
Kat Albrecht, Data Transparency & The Disparate Impact of the Felony Murder Rule
Rafi Reznik, The Political Imperative to Self-Defend
Michael Ulrich, Public Carry and Public Health: Good Cause as a Good Solution
Timothy Hsiao, It is Morally Permissible for Christians to Carry Firearms
April 24, 2020 – Colloquium: Localism, Popular Constitutionalism, Preemption, and Firearms
Blog posts from Participants
Shawn Fields, Second Amendment Sanctuaries
Pratheepan Gulasekaram, Local Immigration Non-enforcement and Local Gun Deregulation
Dave Fagundes & Darrell Miller, Do Local Governments Have Second Amendment Rights?
Rick Su, The Two Sides of Sanctuary
Ken Stahl, Contagion and Partisan Federalism
Sarah Swan, Targeting Community Character
Richard Briffault, “Sanctuary” and Local Government Law
Rich Schragger, Second Amendment Sanctuaries and the Difference Between Home Rule, Local Recalcitrance, and Interposition
September 27, 2019 – Symposium: Gun Rights and Regulation Outside the Home
Panel Presentations
Panel 1: The Second Amendment and Conflicting Interests
Moderator: Joseph Blocher
Panelists: Gregory P. Magarian, Josh Blackman, Mary Anne Franks
Panel 2: Regulating People, Places, and Products
Moderator: Kate Shaw
Panelists: Brannon Denning, Robert J. Spitzer, Jacob D. Charles
Panel 3: Empirical and Theoretical Aspects of Firearms in Public
Moderator: Philip J. Cook
Panelists: John Pepper, John J. Donohue III, Nicholas Johnson
Panel 4: Historical Conceptions of Second Amendment Rights Outside the Home
Moderator: Darrell A. H. Miller
Panelists: Saul Cornell, Jud Campbell, Joyce Lee Malcolm
Published Articles
Joseph Blocher, Jacob D. Charles, and Darrell A. H. Miller, The Geography of a Constitutional Right: Gun Rights Outside the Home
Josh Blackman, The Right to Code and Share Arms
Jud Campbell, Natural Rights, Positive Rights, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Jacob D. Charles, Defeasible Second Amendment Rights: Conceptualizing Gun Laws That Dispossess Prohibited Persons
Brannon P. Denning, Have Gun—Will Travel?
John J. Donohue, The Swerve to “Guns Everywhere”: A Legal and Empirical Evaluation
Mary Anne Franks, The Second Amendment’s Safe Space, or the Constitutionalization of Fragility
Nicholas J. Johnson, Defiance, Concealed Carry, and Race
Gregory P. Magarian, Conflicting Reports: When Gun Rights Threaten Free Speech
Joyce Lee Malcolm, The Right to Carry Your Gun Outside: A Snapshot History
Megan Miller and John Pepper, Assessing the Effect of Firearms Regulations Using Partial Identification Methods: A Case Study of the Impact of Stand Your Ground Laws on Violent Crime
Robert J. Spitzer, Gun Accessories and the Second Amendment: Assault Weapons, Magazines, and Silencers
August 2, 2019 – Firearms Law Works-in-Progress Workshop
Blog Posts from Participants
Dru Stevenson, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part I: Going Gunless
Jennifer Carlson, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part II: Gun Politics in Blue
Timothy Zick, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part III: Framing the Second Amendment: Gun Rights, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part IV: Regulation, Not Rights: the Early History of a National Firearms Industry
Nicholas Mosvick, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part V: The Use of the Second Amendment to Reject Conscription
Cody Jacobs, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part VI: Guns in the Private Square
Jake Charles, Firearms Law Workshop Mini-Symposium, Part VII: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Outside the Second Amendment