Ordinance Providing for the Arming and Mustering of the Militia in Case of Danger, N.Y. LAWS (Weed, Parsons, & Co. 1868) (Law Passed 1640).

  • Year:
  • 1640


Of the Director and Council of New Netherland, providing for the Arming and mustering of the Militia in case of danger. Passed 9 May, 1640.

[N.Y. Col. MSS. IV. 61.]

    The Honble Director and Council have considered it advisable to ordain that the Inhabitants residing at and around Fort Amsterdam, of what state, quality or condition soever they be, shall each provide himself with a good gun and keep the same in good repair and at all times ready and in order; and as they live at a distance the one from the other, every warned person is placed under his Corporal in order that in time of danger he may appear at his post with his gun. Should it happen, which God forbid, that any mischief occur either from enemies or traitors at night, the people will be notified by the discharge of three cannon fired in quick succession; and if by day, means will be found to give warning to every one, who is commanded thereupon to repair instantly to his Corporal at the place appointed and then to adopt such measures as the exigency of the case shall require, on pain of being fined Fifty guilders.”

E. B. O’Callagham, ed., Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674: Compiled and Translated from the Original Dutch Records in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, N.Y. (Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons, & Co., 1868), 23. Ordinance of the Director and Council of New Netherland, Providing for the Arming and Mustering of the Militia in Case of Danger. Passed May 9, 1640.