An Act to Prohibit the Selling of Guns, Gunpowder, or Other Warlike Stores, to the Indians, 1763 Pa. Laws 306, 306-307 (B. Franklin).
"If any person or persons whatsoever shall directly or indirectly give to, sell barter or exchange with any Indian or Indians whatsoever any guns, gunpowder, shot, bullets, lead or other warlike stores without license... every such person or persons so offending, being thereof legally convicted... shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred pounds... and shall furthermore be whipt with thirty-nine lashes on his bare back, well laid on, and be committed to the common gaol of the county, there to remain twelve months without bail or mainprise."
Anno Regni Georgii III, Regis, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Tertio: At a General Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, Begun and Holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini 1763, in the Third Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George III by the Grace of God, of Great Britain France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.: And from Thence Continued by Adjournments to the Twenty-Second Day of October, 1763 (Philadelphia, PA: B. Franklin, 1763), 306-7. An Act to Prohibit the Selling of Guns, Gunpowder, or Other Warlike Stores, to the Indians. Undated.
Original source document from LLMC (subscription required):