1783 Mass. Acts 218, An Act in Addition to the Several Acts Already Made for the Prudent Storage of Gun-Powder Within the Town of Boston, §§ 1-2.

  • Year:
  • 1783

"Whereas the depositing of loaded Arms in the Houses of the Town of Boston, is dangerous to the Lives of those who are disposed to exert themselves when a Fire happens to break out in the said Town:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That if any Person shall take into any Dwelling-House, Stable, Barn, Out-house, Ware-house, Store, Shop, or other Building within the Town of Boston, any Cannon, Swivel, Mortar, Howitzer, or Cohorn, or Fire-Arm, loaded with, or having Gun Powder in the same, or shall receive into any Dwelling-House, Stable, Barn, Out-house, Store, Warehouse, Shop, or other Building, within the said Town, any Bomb, Granade, or other Iron Shell, charged with, or having Gun Powder in the same, such Person shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds, to be recovered at the Suit of the Firewards of the said Town, in an Action of Debt, before any Court proper to try the same; one Moiety thereof to the Use of the said Firewards, and the other Moiety to the Support of the Poor of the Town of Boston.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Cannon, Swivels, Mortars, Howitzers, Cohorns, Fire-Arms, Bombs, Granades, and Iron Shells of any kind, that shall be found in any Dwelling-House, Out-House, Stable, Barn, Store, Warehouse, Shop, or other Building, charged with, or having in them any Gun-Powder, shall be liable to be seized by either of the Firewards of the said Town: And upon complaint made by the said Firewards to the Court of Common Pleas, of such Cannon, Swivels, Mortars, or howitzer, being so found, the Court shall proceed to try the Merits of such complaint by a Jury; and if the Jury shall find such Complaint supported, such Cannon, Swivel, Mortar, or Howitzer, shall be adjudged forfeit, and be sold at public Auction..."

Full Text: (Acts and resolves passed by the General Court, at 119-120)

Full Text:  Google Books (re-printed in The Charter of the City of Boston and Ordinances Made and Established by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, published 1827, at 137)