1784 N.Y. Laws 627, An Act to Prevent the Danger Arising from the Pernicious Practice of Lodging Gun Powder in Dwelling Houses, Stores, or Other Places within Certain Parts of the City of New York, or on Board of Vessels within the Harbour Thereof, ch. 28.
". . . [F]rom and after the passing of this act, it shall not be lawfull [sic] for any merchant, shopkeeper, or retailer, or any other person, or persons whatsoever, to have or keep any quantity of gun powder exceeding twenty-eight pounds weight, in any one place, less than one mile to the northward of the city hall of the said city, except in the public magazine at the Fresh-water, and the said quantity of twenty-eight pounds weight, which shall be lawfull [sic] for any person to have and keep at any place within this city, shall be seperated [sic] into four stone jugs or tine canisters, which shall not contain more than seven pounds each, on pain of forfeiting all such gunpowder, and the sum of fifty pounds for every hundred weight, and in that proportion for a greater or lesser quantity, and upon pain of forfeiting such quantity which any person may lawfully keep as aforesaid, and which shall not be seperated [sic] as above directed, with full costs of suit to any person or persons, who will inform and sue for the same . . . as well for the recovery of the value of such gun powder in specie, as for the penalty aforesaid, besides costs, and to award, effectual execution thereon . . ."