An Act Against Carrying Concealed Weapons, and Going Armed in Public Places in an Unnecessary Manner, §§ 1-3, 1813 La. Acts 172, 172-75 (Baird & Wagner 1813).


Against carrying concealed weapons, and going armed in public places in an unnecessary manner.

    Whereas assassination and attempts to commit the same, have of late been of such frequent occurrence as to become a subject of serious alarm to the peaceable and well disposed inhabitants of this state; and whereas the same is in a great measure to be attributed to the dangerous and wicked practice of carrying about in public places concealed and deadly weapons, or going to the same armed in an unnecessary manner, therefore;

    SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the state of Louisiana, in general assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, any person who shall be found with any concealed weapon, such as a dirk, dagger, knife, pistol or any other deadly weapon concealed in his bosom, coat or in any other place about him that do not appear in full open view, any person so offending, shall on conviction thereof before any justice of the peace, be subject to pay a fine not to exceed fifty dollars nor less than twenty dollars, one half to the use of the state, and the balance to the informer; and should any person be convicted of being guilty of a second offence before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall pay a fine not less than one hundred dollars to be applied as aforesaid, and be imprisoned for a time not exceeding six months.

    SECT. 2. And be it farther enacted, That should any person stab or shoot, or in any way disable another by such concealed weapons, or should take the life of any person, shall on conviction before any competent court suffer death, or such other punishment as in the opinion of a jury shall be just.

    SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That when any officer has good reason to believe that any person or persons have weapons concealed about them, for the purpose of committing murder, or in any other way armed in such a concealed manner, on proof thereof being made to any justice of the peace, by the oath of one or more credible witnesses, it shall be the duty of such judge and justice to issue a warrant against such offender and have him searched, and should he be found with such weapons, to fine him in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than twenty dollars, and to bind over to keep the peace of the state, with such security as may appear necessary[1] for one year; and on such offender failing to give good and sufficient security as aforesaid; the said justice of the peace shall be authorized[2] to commit said offender to prison for any time not exceeding twenty days.

[1] Spelled “necesary” in original source document.
[2] Spelled “authorised" in original source document.

Acts Passed at the Second Session of the First Legislature of the State of Louisiana: Begun and Held at the City of New Orleans, on the Twenty Third Day of November, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve (New Orleans, LA: Baird & Wagner, 1813), 172-75. An Act Against Carrying Concealed Weapons, and Going Armed in Public Places in an Unnecessary Manner, §§ 1-3. Approved March 25 1813.

*The original document contains copies of the law in both English and French.

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