An Act to Incorporate the Town of Wooster in the County of Wayne, ch. 38, § 10, 1823 Ohio Laws Local Acts vol. 22 at 55, 57-58.

  • Year:
  • 1823

"Sec. 10. That the President, Recorder and Trustees any four of whom, the President or Recorder being one, shall constitute a quorum to do business, and shall have power and authority, to pass and publish all such laws and ordinances, as to them shall seem necessary for the regulating and keeping open the streets and alleys of said town, and for clensing, raising, paving, draining, turnpiking or otherwise keeping the same in repair, and for keeping open and in repair the commons of said town, they shall have power to require the owners of lots in said town, to pave or gravel
the side walks, in front thereof, they shall have power to provide for the abatement of and removal of nuisances, for the cleaning of chimneys and the extinguishment of fires in said town, to impose a fine of not more than five dollars, for shooting a gun or running a horse within said town, to adopt such regulations as may by them be deemed necessary to secure the town against injuries by fire..."

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Acts of a Local Nature, Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Second General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Begun and Held in the Town of Columbus, December 1, 1823, and in the Twenty-Second Year of Said State, vol. 22 (Columbus, OH: Printed at the Office of the Columbus Gazette, by P. H. Olmsted, 1824), 57-58. Chapter 38—An Act to Incorporate the Town of Wooster in the County of Wayne, § 10. Passed February 21, 1823.