An Act to Amend the Criminal Law, no. 26, § 1, 1856 Ala. Acts 17, 17 (Bates & Lucas 1856).
“[No. 26.]
To amend the criminal law.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That any one who shall sell or give or lend, to any male minor, a bowie knife, or knife or instrument[1] of the like kind or description, by whatever name called, or air gun or pistol, shall, on conviction be fined not less than three hundred, nor more than one thousand, dollars.
APPROVED, Feb. 2, 1856.”
Acts of the Fifth Biennial Session of the General Assembly of Alabama, Held in the City of Montgomery, Commencing on the Second Monday in November, 1855 (Montgomery, AL: Bates & Lucas, 1856), 17. Number 26—An Act to Amend the Criminal Law, § 1. Approved February 2, 1856.