1859, NJ, An Ordinance to Prevent Firing of Guns, &c., in the City of Hoboken §§1-3, City Ordinances of Hoboken, NJ (1859).
"Section 1. That no person or persons shall fire or discharge any cannon, gun, pistol, or fire-arms of any description, or fire, explode, or set off any squib cracker or other thing, containing powder or other combustibles or explosive material within the corporate limits of Hoboken, without the permission of the mayor, in writing, and subject to the restrictions and conditions contained in such written permission under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offense, but nothing contained in this section shall be construed to extend to any military parade exercise or review of the Hudson Brigade or any company thereof.
Sec. 2. That no person or persons shall keep or maintain or cause to be kept or maintained within the corporate limits of Hoboken, any target or shooting grounds, where shooting or firing at a target or any or [sic] other mark, shall be practiced within the like permission, as mentioned in the last preceding section, under the penalty of fifty dollars for each and every such offense.
Sec. 3. That it shall be and hereby is made the special duties of all police officers of said City and all other persons charged with the keeping of the peace in said City, to cause the penalties in this ordinance to be inforced against all persons offending against its provisions."
1859, NJ, An Ordinance to Prevent Firing of Guns, &c., in the City of Hoboken
City Ordinances Now in Force, Passed by The Mayor and Council of the City of Hoboken From March 28, 1855 to January 1, 1872 (Hoboken, NJ: A. O. Evans, Steam Book and Job Printer, 56 Washington Street, 1872), 38. An Ordinance to Prevent Firing of Guns, &c., in the City of Hoboken §§1-3. Approved 28 Nov., 1859.