1917 N.H. Laws 727-28, An Act for the Regulation of the Sale and Use of Explosives and Firearms, ch. 185, §§ 1-3.

§ 1. No person shall manufacture, sell, or deal in firearms or in gunpowder, dynamite, nitro-glycerine, or other form of high explosive, unless he shall first obtain, from the selectmen of the town or the chief of police of the city where such business is to be conducted, a written license therefor, and no person shall conduct such business within the state but outside the limits of any organized town or city, unless he shall first obtain such license from the county commissioners of the county in which such business is to be conducted; which license shall specify the building where such business is to be carried on or material deposited or used. § 2. No such licensed person shall sell or deliver firearms to any person not a citizen of the United States, unless he shall have legally declared his intention of becoming a citizen, or any such explosive material or compound to any person, except upon presentation of a permit such as is hereinafter provided for, nor unless satisfied that the same is to be used for a lawful purpose. § 3. Every person so licensed shall keep, on blanks to be furnished by the secretary of state, a record of the names and residences of all persons to whom he shall sell or deliver firearms or any such explosive material or compound, the purpose of which the same is to be used¸ the date of sale, the amount paid, the date of the purchaser’s permit, the name and title of the person by whom the permit was issued, and, within five days after such sale or delivery, shall file such record thereof with the clerk of the city or town wherein he sale or delivery was made, or with the county commissioners in case of sales or deliveries within the state, but outside the limits of any organized city or town. The records thus filed shall at all times be open to the inspection of the police departments, or other public authorities. He shall also affix to the receptacle containing such explosive material or compound a label with the name of the compound, his own name, and the date of sale.