An Ordinance, for the Government of the Powder Magazine of this City, and for other purposes (12 Feb.1828, Richmond, VA)
"7. And be it further Ordained, That no person or persons within the City of Richmond, shall retain in his, her or their possession at any time, more than twenty-five pounds of Powder. And every person who shall retain more than the said quantity in his, her or their possession for the space of twelve hours, shall forfeit and pay for every twelve hours, the sum of twenty-four shillings, to be recovered and appropriated as other fines and penalties are. The Powder so retained, shall be kept in Tin Canisters and not otherwise. And every person who shall keep in his, her or their possession for the space of twelve hours, two pounds of powder or more, in any other manner than herein before directed, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of ten shillings: and for every twenty-four hours that the said Powder shall remain after the expiration of the said twelve hours, the farther sum of ten shillings, to be recovered and appropriated as herein before directed."
Ordinances of the Corporation of the City of Richmond, and the Acts of Assembly Relating Hereto (Richmond, VA: John Warrock, 1831), 65. Chapter X, §7.