Bloomington, IL, Division 3, Offenses Against Public Safety, Convenience and Health, §1, Firing Cannon, Guns, Fire-Crackers, etc. (1850-1876)*
"Section 1. Firing Cannon, Guns, Fire-Crackers, etc.] Whoever shall fire or discharge any cannon, gun, pistol, revolver, or any firearm of any description, or shall fire, explode or set off any squib, fire-cracker, torpedo, or other thing containing powder, or other explosive material, without permission from the Mayor or City Council so to do, shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Such permission, when given, shall definitely limit the time of such firing, and may at any time be revoked."
1876, Bloomington, IL, Licenses - Division 3, §1, Firing Cannon, Guns, Fire-Crackers, etc.
Isaac N. Phillips, The Revised Ordinances of the City of Bloomington, A.D. 1876: Comprising the general ordinances, acts of incorporation, and other laws affecting the City of Bloomington (Bloomington, IL: Leader Steam Printing and Publishing House, 1876), 58. Division 3, Offenses Against Public Safety, Convenience and Health, §1, Firing Cannon, Guns, Fire-Crackers, etc.
*The Revised Ordinances does not specify the year in which this law was originally passed.