Concerning the Manufacture, Storage, Transportation, and Sale of Powder, Nitro-glycerine, etc., Ch. 22, §§ 246-247 in Ordinances of the City of Hoboken, from the Incorporation of the City to 1901 (1901).

        "Sec. 246. No person shall manufacture, have, keep or give away any gunpowder, blasting powder, gun cotton, nitro-glycerine or dualin within the limits of the City of Hoboken, except in quantities limited in the manner and upon the conditions herein provided and under such regulations in special cases as the Board of Fire Commissioners shall prescribe. Permits may be issued to persons desiring to sell gunpowder or any of the articles herein mentioned at retail at a particular place in said City, to be named in said permit (provided that the same be not in a building used in any part thereof as a dwelling, unless especially authorized by such permit), and persons having a permit from the Board of Fire Commissioners may have on their premises, if actually kept for sale, a quantity not exceeding at one time, of gun cotton five (5) pounds; of gunpowder fourteen (14) pounds; blasting powder, twenty-five (25) pounds; and all said articles shall be put up in tight metallic canisters containing or capable of containing not more than one (1) pound each, and the person having such permit shall place on some conspicuous part of the front of each of the stores or buildings, in which they may be permitted to sell powder or any of the articles herein named, a sign on which shall be distinctly painted in characters legible to persons passing such stores or buildings, the words “Gunpowder, by permit of the Board of Fire Commissioners,” or designating such other of the articles herein named; and every barrel, cask, canister, bottle, can, vessel, box or parcel in which the same is sold, or into which the same is delivered on being sold, shall be distinctly labelled with a printed sign or label printed upon or firmly affixed thereto, describing the articles contained therein, with the word “Danger” distinctly painted before the same. No nitro-glycerine, dualin or gunpowder greater than above shall be kept, carried or conveyed, except that for the purposes of distribution to or delivery from stores and buildings, a quantity not more than five quarter casks may be carried at any one time during the daytime for the purpose of transportation from any vessel or car, or sending the same to stores or buildings or any vessel, car or place outside of the limits of the City, provided, that in carrying and conveying it shall be protected by being completely and securely covered with a leather or canvas cover or are and marked “Gunpowder.” The commander, owner or owners of any ship or other vessel arriving in the harbor, and having more than twenty-eight (28) pounds of gunpowder, dualin or nitro-glycerine on board, shall within forty-eight hours after the arrival and before such ship or vessel shall approach nearer than three hundred feet of any wharf, pier or ship, immediately give a written notice to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the fact that such gunpowder or nitro-glycerine is on such vessel; but any vessel may proceed either to sea within forty-eight hours after arrival and may tranship such gunpowder or nitro-glycerine from one ship or vessel to another for the purpose of immediate transportation, without landing the same; provided, however, that the provisions of the preceding sections shall not apply to any vessel receiving gunpowder or freight in any one day, provided such vessel does not remain at any wharf or be within three hundred feet after sunset. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to any ship or vessel of war in the service of the United States or of any foreign government which is lying distant three hundred feet or upwards from any wharf, pier or ship. A greater quantity of gunpowder or of any of the articles herein named may be stored or used in such manner as the Board of Fire Commissioners may designate, under a special permit issued therefor. Any person, persons or corporation for the violation or non-compliance with any of the several provisions of this ordinance, or who shall continue to use, allowed to be used or kept for use on any premises owned or occupied by him, her or them, after notice from said Commissioners, any article for sale or use or which is hereby prohibited, shall severally forfeit and pay a fine or penalty in the sum of fifty dollars for each and every offense, and shall also be severally liable and pay the further penalty of fifty dollars for each and every day’s delay to comply with the rules and directions herein contained; and said fines and penalties to be recovered pursuant to the Charter of the City of Hoboken and the supplements thereto.
        Sec. 247. No fireworks, detonating works, cartridges, powder train, percussion caps, matches, or explosive compounds shall hereafter be manufactured, stored or kept upon sale in the corporate limits of the City of Hoboken, except at such places in such manner and in such quantities as shall be determined by the Board of Fire Commissioners in the exercise of their discretion, under a permit issued therefor, and subject to be revoked at any time by said Commissioners. Fireworks consisting of Chinese crackers, rockets, blue lights, candles, colored pots, lance shells and other works of brilliant colored tires may be kept upon sale intervening the tenth day of June and the tenth day of July in each year by retail dealers under such regulations as may be prescribed under a permit issued therefor, and no quantity of the following named chemicals, acids and combustible materials greater than as hereinafter enumerated shall be stored or kept in or upon any one building, namely: Sulphus, one thousand (1,000) pounds; manufactured matches, five hundred (500) pounds; salt petre, nitrate of soda, five hundred (500) pounds in the whole; nitrate of silver, colloquium, ether, phosphorous, fifty (50) pounds in the whole; aquafortis, muriatic acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid, not exceeding one thousand (1,000) pounds in the whole; tar, pitch, rosin, turpentine and varnish, one hundred (100) barrels in the whole, except the same shall be stored and kept in such buildings and manner as may be required under a special permit issued therefor. Any person, persons or corporation for the violation and non-compliance with any of the several provisions of the foregoing ordinance, when the penalty is not herein specially provided, or shall continue to use, or allow to be used, or keep, for use, on any premises owned or occupied by him, her or them, after notice from said Commissioners, any articles the sale or use of which is prohibited, shall severally forfeit and pay a fine or penalty in the sum of fifty dollars for each and every offense, and shall also be severally liable and pay the further penalty of fifty dollars for each and every day’s delay to comply with the rules and directions herein contained; the said fines and penalties to be recovered pursuant to the Charter of the City of Hoboken and the supplements thereto."

1901, Hoboken, NJ, Ch. 22, §§ 246-247

James F. Minturn, ed., Ordinances of the City of Hoboken from the Incorporation of the City to 1901 (Union Hill, NJ: Daily Dispatch Print, 1901), 69-73. Chapter 22—Concerning the Manufacture, Storage, Transportation, and Sale of Powder, Nitro-glycerine, etc., §§ 246-247. Undated.