Fred L. Button, ed., General Municipal Ordinances of the City of Oakland, California (Oakland, CA; Enquirer, 1895), p. 218, Sec. 1, An Ordinance to Prohibit the Carrying of Concealed Weapons, No. 1141
Section 1 . It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Oakland, not being a public officer or a traveler actually engaged in making a journey, to wear or carry concealed about his person without a permit, as hereinafter provided, any pistol, slung-shot, brass or iron knuckles, sand club, dirk or bowie knife, or iron bar or other dangerous or deadly weapon, or any sling or other contrivance by which shot or other missiles are or may be hurled or projected. A written permit may be granted by the Mayor for a period of not to exceed one year to any peaceable person whose profession or occupation may require him to be out at late hours of the night to carry a concealed deadly weapon upon his person.
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