How Firearms May Be Used and what Quantity of Gun Powder May Be Kept, Ordinances of the City of Kenosha, Ordinance no. 8, §§ 1 & 5 (1858).

  • Year:
  • 1858

"Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the common council of the city of Kenosha: That no person shall fire or discharge any cannon, rifle, gun, pistol, or fire arms of any description, or fire, explode, or set off any squib, cracker, or other thing containing powder or other combustible or explosive material in any street, alley, or public ground within this city south of a line running through Lemon street from the lake to the west line of the corporation, and east of West Main Street, without the permission of the common council, or the written permission of the mayor, which permission shall limit the time of such firing, and shall be subject to be revoked by the mayor or common council at any time after it has been granted. -- Any person who shall violate this section shall for each offence forfeit and pay a penalty of three dollars; and in default of the payment of such penalty, shall be imprisoned in the county jail two days, and one half of each fine imposed in such case when collected shall be paid to the person who shall make the complaint before any justice of the peace."

"Sec. 5. No person shall be allowed to keep any gunpowder in any occupied building within the limits of this city without permission of the council;-- and no person shall keep in any such building a greater quantity than ten pounds; which shall be kept in a close tin canister or canisters. Every person violating any provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined twenty dollars, which it shall be lawful for the treasurer of the fire department of this city to sue for in the name of the city of Kenosha; and such fines when collected shall be paid to the said treasurer for the use of the fire department; and in default of such payment, the person or persons convicted shall be imprisoned in the county jail of this county for the term of ten days."

1858, WI, How Firearms May Be Used and what Quantity of Gun Powder May Be Kept, Ordinances of the City of Kenosha, Ordinance no. 8, §1 & §5

The Revised Charter and Ordinances of the City of Kenosha, With the By-Laws of the Council (Kenosha, WI: Telegraph Book and Job Office, 1866), 95-97. Ordinance no. VIII, For the Security of Persons and Property, §§ 1 & 5. Passed 20 March, 1858.