John M. Lea, The Revised Laws of the City of Nashville, with the Various Acts of Incorporation and Laws Applicable to the Town and City of Nashville, and a List of the Different Boards of Mayor and Aldermen, and Other Officers of Said City from the Year 1806 to 1850, Inclusive Page 68, Image 69 (1850) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.
[An Act to Provide for the Prevention and Extinguishment of Fires within the City of Nashville,]§ 11. Be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall fire any gun or pistol, cast, throw, or fire any squib, rocket, cracker, or other combustible fire-works within the limits of the corporation, every such person, for every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars; and if a slave, he, she or they shall receive not less than five, nor more than twenty lashes, any person or persons shall vend, manufacture, give away, deal in or have in his possession any squib, rocket, cracker, powder, or other combustible fire-works within the limits of the corporation of Nashville for the purpose of disposing of the same to minors or slaves, every such person, for every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars.