Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from the Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the Twentieth Day of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten Page 182, image 226 (Vol. 3, 1810) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.
"An Act for the prevention of vice and immorality, and of unlawful gaming, and to restrain disorderly sports and dissipation...
...§ 10. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person within this commonwealth shall challenge, by word or writing, the person of another to fight at sword, rapier, pistol, or other deadly weapon, such person so challenging, shall forfeit and pay for every such offense, being thereof lawfully convicted in any court of record within this commonwealth, by the testimony of one or more witnesses, or by the confession of the party offending, the sum of two hundred and eighty dollars, or shall suffer twelve months imprisonment, without bail or mainprize; and the person who shall accept any such challenge shall, in like manner, upon conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, or suffer such imprisonment for and during six months; and if any person shall willingly and knowingly carry and deliver any written challenge, or shall verbally deliver any message, purporting to be a challenge, or shall consent to be a second in any such intended duel, and shall be thereof legally convicted as aforesaid, he or they, so offending shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, or suffer six months imprisonment as aforesaid; and moreover the person challenging, and the person accepting the challenge, the person delivering the same, and the person accepting the challenge, the person delivering the same, and the person consenting to become a second to either of the parties, shall, for every offence, forfeit and be deprived of all the rights of citizenship within this commonwealth, for the space of seven years after conviction."