Laws regulating the sale of firearms to minors and Native Americans, Title 10, §§ 342 & 362 of AZ Penal Code in The Revised Statutes of Arizona Territory (1901).
“Sec. 342. Any person who shall sell or give to any minor under the age of fourteen years, or to any person for the use of such minor, any firearms, or toy pistols from which dangerous and explosive substances may be discharged, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.”
“Sec. 362. Any person who sells, gives, rents, barters or furnishes any rifles, carbines, pistols or revolvers, or any ammunition or cartridges for rifles, carbines, pistols or revolvers, or any shot larger in size than standard number six (6) shot, or any spirit, malt or vinous liquor, to Indians, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than one or more than six months, or by a fine not less than fifty dollars or more than three hundred dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine.”
1901, AZ, Title 10, §§ 342 & 362 of the AZ Penal Code
The Revised Statutes of Arizona Territory: Containing Also the Laws Passed by the Twenty-First Legislative Assembly, the Constitution of the United States, the Organic Law of Arizona and the Amendments of Congress Relating Thereto (Columbia, MO: Press of E. W. Stephens, 1901),1244-1245 & 1248. Penal Code, Part One of Crimes and Punishments: Title 10—Of Offenses Against the Public Health and Safety, §§ 342 & 362. Undated.