Laws regulating weapons in certain places, Title 11, §§ 381, 387, 388, & 391 in The Revised Statutes of Arizona Territory (1901).
“Sec. 381. Any person who shall, purposely or carelessly, discharge any gun, pistol or other firearm in any saloon, dance house, store or other public house or business house in this territory, thereby endangering the life or person of another, or thereby disturbing any of the inmates thereof, or who shall thereby injure, destroy or damage any property therein, or who shall discharge the same in any city, village or town of this territory, except in necessary self-defense, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or shall be punished by both such fine and imprisonment."
"Sec. 387. If any person shall go into church or religious assembly, any school room, or other place where persons are assembled for amusement or for educational or scientific purposes, or into any circus, show or public exhibition of any kind, or into a ball room, social party or social gathering, or to any election precinct, on the day or days of any election, where any portion of the people of this territory are collected to vote at any election, or to any other place where people may be assembled to minister or to perform any other public duty, or to any other public assembly, and shall have or carry about his person a pistol or other firearm, dirk, dagger, slung-shot, sword-cane, spear, brass knuckles, bowie knife or any other kind of a knife manufactured and sold for the purposes of offense or defense, he shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, and shall forfeit to the county the weapon or weapons so found on his person.
Sec. 388. The preceding section shall not apply to peace officers or other persons authorized or permitted by law to carry arms at the places therein designated."
"Sec. 391. It shall be the duty of the keeper of each and every hotel, boarding house and drinking saloon, to keep posted up in a conspicuous place in his bar room, or reception room, if there be no bar in the house, a plain notice to travelers to divest themselves of their weapons, in accordance with section 382 of this act,1 and the sheriffs of the various counties shall notify the keepers of hotels, boarding houses and drinking saloons, in their respective counties, of their duties under this law, and if after such notification any keeper of a hotel, boarding house or drinking saloon shall fail to keep notices posted, as required by this act, he shall, on conviction thereof before a justice of the peace, be fined in the sum of five dollars, to go to the county treasury."
1901, AZ, Title 11, §§ 381, 387, 388, & 391 of the AZ Penal Code
The Revised Statutes of Arizona Territory: Containing Also the Laws Passed by the Twenty-First Legislative Assembly, the Constitution of the United States, the Organic Law of Arizona and the Amendments of Congress Relating Thereto (Columbia, MO: Press of E. W. Stephens, 1901), 1249-1254. Penal Code, Part One of Crimes and Punishments: Title 11—Of Crimes Against the Public Peace, §§ 381, 387, 388, & 391.
1. Sec. 382 is posted elsewhere in the repository, but for ease of reference, it reads as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any person (except a peace officer in actual service and discharge of his duty), to have or carry concealed on or about his person, any pistol or other firearm, dirk, dagger, slung-shot, sword-cane, spear, brass knuckles, or other knuckles of metal, bowie-knife or any kind of knife or weapon, except a pocketknife, not manufactured and used for the purpose of offense and defense."
N.B. Much of Title 11 deals with gun laws; however, the above sections have been grouped together and separated out to facilitate faster and more targeted searching. Sections 382, 383, 385, 386, 389, 390, and 392 are also included in the repository, albeit grouped separately (also in the interest of expediting searches). As is the case with all laws entered into the repository later than March 2023, the entire section the law is part of has been included. To preclude the possibility of presenting data out of context, any laws that have had sections or words elided from them for editorial purposes will always have the entirety of the law (or section/title/article/etc.) of which it is part included in the attached PDF.