Lucius Q.C. Lamar, A Compilation of the Laws of the State of Georgia, Passed by the Legislature since the Year 1810 to the Year 1819, Inclusive. Comprising all the Laws Passed within those Periods, Arranged under Appropriate Heads, with Notes of Reference to those Laws, or Parts of Laws, which are Amended or Repealed to which are Added such Concurred and Approved Resolutions, as are Either of General, Local, or Private Moment. Concluding with a Copious Index to the Laws, a Separate one to the Resolutions Page 599, Image 605 (1821) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.
Offences Against the Public Peace, (1816) § 19. If any person shall be apprehended, having upon him or her any picklock, key, crow, jack, bit or other implement, with intent feloniously to break and enter into any dwelling-house, ware-house, store, shop, coach-house, stable, or out-house, or shall have upon him any pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon, with intent feloniously to assault any person, or shall be found in or upon any dwelling-house, ware-house, store, shop, coach-house, stable, or out-house, with intent to steal any goods or chattels; every such person shall be deemed a rogue and vagabond, and on conviction, shall be sentenced to undergo an imprisonment in the common jail of the county, or in the penitentiary, at hard labour, for such period of time as the jury shall recommend to the court.