New Hampshire Public Carry Prohibition (1708)

  • Year:
  • 1708

"And every justice of the peace within this province, may cause to be stayed and arrested, all affrayers, rioters, disturbers or breakers of the peace, or any other who shall go armed offensively, or put his Majesty's subjects in fear, by menaces or threatening speeches : And upon view of such justice, confession of the offender, or legal proof of any such offence, the justice may commit the offender to prison, until he or she find such sureties for the peace and good behaviour, as is required, according to the aggravations of the offence ; and cause the arms or weapons so used by the offender, to be taken away, which shall be forfeited and sold for his Majesty's use. And may also punish the breach of the peace in any person, who shall smite, or strike another, by fine to the King, not exceeding twenty shillings ; and require bond with sureties for the peace, till the next court of general sessions of the peace, or may bind the offender over to answer for said offence at said court, as the nature and circumstances of the offence may require."

Full Text: HeinOnline (subscription required)