No. 24. An act in addition to An Act, (approved January 30th, 1835,) entitled An Act to prevent any person in this Territory from carrying arms secretly, §1 (10 Feb., 1838).
"Section 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons in this Territory to vend dirks, pocket pistols, sword canes, or bowie knives, until he or they shall have first paid to the treasurer of the county in which he or they intend to vend weapons, a tax of two hundred dollars per annum, and all persons carrying said weapons openly shall pay to the officer aforesaid a tax of ten dollars per annum; and it shall be the duty of said officer to give the parties so paying a written certificate, stating that they have complied with the provisions of this act. Four fifths of all monies so collected to be applied by the county courts to county purposes, the other fifth to be paid to the prosecuting attorney."
1838, FL, An Act to prevent any person in this Territory from carrying arms secretly, §1
Acts of the Legislative Council, of the Territory of Florida, Passed at its Sixteenth Session, Commencing Monday January 1st, and Ending Sunday February 11th, 1838. With also the Resolutions of a Public or General Character Adopted by the Legislative Council (Tallahassee, FL: S. S. Sibley, Printer, 1838), 36. No. 24, § 1.