Revised Ordinances of the City of Salina, Together with the Act Governing Cities of the Second Class: Also a Complete List of the Officers of Salina During its Organization as a Town and City of the Second and Third Class Page 99, Image 100 (1879) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.
Ordinances of the City of Salina, An Ordinance Relating to the Carrying of Deadly Weapons, § 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to carry on or about his person any pistol, bowie knife, dirk, or other deadly or dangerous weapon, anywhere within the limits of the city of Salina, save and except as hereinafter provided. § 2. This ordinance shall not apply to cases when any person carrying any weapon above mentioned is engaged in the pursuit of any lawful business, calling or employment and the circumstances in which such person is placed at the time aforesaid, are such as to justify a prudent man in carrying such weapon, for the defense of his person, property or family, nor to cases where any person shall carry such weapon openly in his hands, for the purpose of sale, barter, or for repairing the same, or for use in any lawful occupation requiring the use of the same. § 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the police court, be fined in any sum not less that twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars.