Acts to Promote the Building of Good Ships, Etc., ch. 91, § 4, MASS. GEN. LAWS (T. B. Wait & Co. 1814) (Law Passed 1671).
...Sect. 4. Be it also enacted by the authority of this court, that no masters of ships, or seamen, having their vessels riding within any of our harbours in this jurisdiction, shall presume to drink healths, or suffer any healths to be drunk within their vessels by day or night, or to shoot off any gun after the daylight is past, or on the sabbath day, on penalty for every health twenty shillings, and for every gun so shot twenty shillings…”
The Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay: Carefully Collected from the Publick Records and Ancient Printed Books, to Which Is Added an Appendix, Tending to Explain the Spirit, Progress, and History of the Jurisprudence of the State; Especially in a Moral and Political View (Boston, MA: T. B. Wait & Co., 1814), 190. Chapter 91—Acts to Promote the Building of Good Ships, &c., § 4. Passed May, 1671.*
* There is a parenthetical note at the end of the paragraph following the paragraph presented here that simply reads "(1663)" with no further context. It is unclear if that paragraph of the law was passed in 1663 or if the entire 4th section was passed in 1663.