Thomas M. Patterson, The Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denver, as Adopted Since the Incorporation of the City and Its Organization, November, 1861, to the First Day of February, A.D., 1875, Revised and Amended, Together with an Act of the Legislature of the Territory of Colorado, in Relation to Municipal Corporations, Page 78, Image 78 (1875) available at The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources.

  • Year:
  • 1875

"[City of Denver,] Charter and Ordinances: Offenses Affecting Public Safety, § 1. If any person shall, within this city, fire or discharge any cannon, gun, fowling piece, pistol or fire arms of any description, or fire, explode or set off any squib, cracker, or other thing containing powder or other combustible or explosive material, without permission from the Mayor (which permission shall limit the time of such firing, and shall be subject to be revoked by the Mayor or City Council at any time after the same has been granted), every such person shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not less than one dollar and not exceeding one hundred dollars: Provided, that no permission shall be granted to any person or persons to hold or conduct any shooting match or competitive trial of skill with fire arms within the limits of this city."