An Act for Forming and Regulating the Militia and for Encouragement of Military Skill, for the Better Defence of This State, 1779 Vt. Acts & Resolves 18, 19–20 (Padlock & Spooner).

  • Year:
  • 1779

"An Act for forming and regulating the Militia; and for Encouragement of Military Skill, for the better Defence of this State.

    Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Representatives of the Freemen of the State of Vermont, in General Assembly met, and by the Authority of the same...

    ...That every listed Soldier and other Householder, shall always be provided with, and have in constant Readiness, a well fixed Firelock, the Barrel not less than three Feet and a Half long, or other good Fire-arms, to the Satisfaction of the commissioned Officers of the Company to which he doth belong, or in the Limits of which he dwells; a good Sword, Cutlass, Tomahawk or Bayonet; a Worm, a Priming-Wire, fit for each Gun; a Cartouche-Box,[1] or Powder-Horn and Bullet-Pouch; one Pound of good Powder; four Pounds of Bullets fit for his Gun, and fix good Flints; on Penalty of Eighteen Shillings, for want of such Arms and Ammunition as is hereby required, and Six Shillings for each Defect; and a like Sum for every four Weeks he shall remain unprovided..."

[1] Spelled “Cartouch-Box” in original source document.

Acts and Laws of the State of Vermont, in America (s.l.: Padlock & Spooner, 1779), 19–20. An Act for Forming and Regulating the Militia and for Encouragement of Military Skill, for the Better Defence of This State. Passed 1779. Passed February 1779.